Monday 27 October 2014

Se7en Title Analysis

The Art of the Title

Despite the genre of a film, themes and topics will be raised from each regardless.This means that the genre of the film doesn't really matter.This means the film is able to go beyond other genres of film. Examples of this are Detail-oriented montages that introduce the themes of the film by using overlaying footage.

Other example include Graphic animation, Nostalgic Influences and photo-montage. Quite major ones are the Situational Titles in which the world around the characters and events that occur in the scene affect the title in some form of way. Also the Microscopic in which we are presented the titles through a mechanical and biological way (like looking through a microscope). Title sequences are very important in films because they can introduce us to new places that we have never gone to before. In brief, there are many different ways to create a connection with the audience through title sequences and is one of the most vital moments in thee film.

Wednesday 8 October 2014

Our Group Choices

UPDATE: After several sessions with the group a new member has joined our group: Tristan Hale. He has joined our group for several reasons regarding problems with his previous group. He will be very helpful because he worked with me and Adam Richards on the Preliminary task, therefore we will work well together and he also has access to professional filming equipment and editing software that is better than the software that the College provide us with (College: Final Cut Pro - Tristan: Adobe Premiere Pro).

Tuesday 7 October 2014

My Initial Response, Thoughts, Feelings and Expectations

My initial response to the main task is very anticipated. I am very excited that we are tasked with making the opening sequence to a Thriller because the Thriller genre is one of my favorite genre which means I can follow onto some of my favorite directors like Stanley Kubrick and David Fincher.

I do however realise that this is a huge step up from the preliminary task and require 10 times the amount of effort and work which will take up much of my free time. I expect that I will be spending a lot of time with my group members over the next several weeks and the task will rely heavily on team work and we will have to negotiate as to where and when we will meet.

In conclusion, I am really excited for this task but do acknowledge that it will require much work and time to complete. I look forward to working with my group and producing the best video possible.