Tuesday, 2 December 2014

Editing Update 1 - Effects, Noise and Ghosting

As you can see in the Second of our product; the flashback scenes that were planned in our shooting script and storyboards were not present. We decided to leave these out and instead opted for a different approach. We instead decided to implement all of the Antagonist shots for a second time in the product however created a sequence with them where the music has been majorly deformed and also there is no colour in these shot plus the added affect of noise and ghosting. These effects make the Antagonist seem more menacing and are designed to make the viewers feel disturbed at what they are seeing. We took inspiration for this from Se7en as it's opening titles following a similar path with the antagonist being shown doing several disturbing and mysterious things with his hands. Also we shortened thee shots of the antagonist as we felt that they began to drag on for too long and would begin to bore the ausdience.

Our Product


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