Thursday, 4 December 2014

Editing Update 2 - Shot/Take Speed and Cropping

Based on the feedback from our first cut, we decided to cut various shots throughout our product in the hopes that we would not lee the audience's attention from the film due to overly long shots. This is very noticeable in the first three shots in which the victim is running down some stairs. Originally this sequence lasted 6 seconds which may not sound like much time at all, however this can sometimes be perceived as a longer period of time. So we decided it would be best to crop the opening seconds of our product which now lasts 3 seconds but in my opinion sounds a lot better and will not lose the attention of the audience. we did this to the majority of the shots in our product but did not do this to such an extent that it would be too short. This caused our product to be shortened from 1 minute 32 Seconds to 1 Minute 10 Seconds (not including ident and titles).

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